Updated: 2023-11-29 03:17:00
: . skip to main skip to sidebar Axitronics Dark energy solved By giving neutrino there own type of electric and magnetic forces . The force is known as the axial force , thus the title , axitronics , as the equivalent of electronics for . neutrinos Tuesday 28 November 2023 Limits on neutrino fifth forces from experiments . https : arxiv.org abs 2311.14945, has some recent experimental limits on neutrino new forces . Posted by Dr BDO Adams at 19:17 No : comments Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom A Fifth force between neutrinos See a description the Axial Force My Other Blogs Feed Distiller Press Releases Internet Future UK The Third Magic Blog Archive 2023 13 November 2 Limits on neutrino fifth forces from . experiments Discrepency between lepton and baryon .
Updated: 2023-10-25 03:32:00
: skip to main skip to sidebar Axitronics Dark energy solved By giving neutrino there own type of electric and magnetic forces . The force is known as the axial force , thus the title , axitronics , as the equivalent of electronics for . neutrinos Tuesday , 24 October 2023 Recent Neutrino Papers A recently paper from Datta , Marfatia and Mukherjee and also here looked at the B^0-K^0 inv decay , and hinted that a light scalar acting on neutrinos might be a solution , our light vector similarly could also be a solution . In Li and Yu look at the effective number of neutrinios in the Big Bang , for various Majoron masses . The Majoron is a light scalar that is a popular but undetected method of giving neutrinos masses . In href= https : arxiv.org abs 2310.13194 Bisset et al Look at potential
Updated: 2023-09-25 18:44:00
A new paper from M. Durhi, Impact of scalar NSI on the neutrino mass hierarchy sensitivity at DUNE, T2HK and T2HKK.
It concludes, "In fact, some of the result-
ing parameter space of self-interacting neutrino coupling
is also in agreement with the parameter space obtained
from Hubble tension requirements, allowed (g − 2)μ re-
gion and free from other laboratory and cosmology con-
straints as well." The Paper Estimated a force strength of 0.01.
Updated: 2023-04-25 07:21:00
: , . skip to main skip to sidebar Axitronics Dark energy solved By giving neutrino there own type of electric and magnetic forces . The force is known as the axial force , thus the title , axitronics , as the equivalent of electronics for . neutrinos Tuesday , 25 April 2023 New Particle Claim , X at 17 MeV . In my weekly , literature search , I found , the preprint by Denton and Gehrlein which investiages evidence for a 17 MeV boson , in nuclear decays , which itself decays to an electron position pair . The Authors found , the new particle , could be a mediator for the often suggested B-L symmetry Baryon number minus Lepton Number which often crops up in grand unification theorys for example , Patti Salem However the charges on quarks , electrons , and neutrinos , need to be different to